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Woodingdean Primary School


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Be the best you Be the best you

At Woodingdean Primary School,
we are committed to nurturing and developing inspired,
curious, independent and well-rounded children
with the self-belief to fulfil their potential.


The Role of the Governing Body

Who are we?

We are volunteers and we come from every section of the community. Woodingdean Primary School's governing body is made up of 14 staff, parents, local authority and community representatives. Click to see more information about our individual governors - Governor's biographies

What is our purpose?

In a nutshell - to help the school provide the best possible education for your children.

We support and encourage all aspects of school life by acting as a "critical friend". By that we mean we fully support our headteacher Mrs Chumnansin but also ask important and difficult questions. We are an integral part of life at the school. We celebrate the school's many successes and achievements but we do not shirk from identifying and addressing any weaknesses.

What are our key roles?

The governors take a long-term overview of the school. We agree its vision, values, strategic aims and its policies. We monitor and evaluate the school's performance and ensure the school is accountable to everyone it serves, ie: the children, parents, staff and local community.

Duties and powers?

School governors have a number of very important legal responsibilities. We oversee the school's budget, we are responsible for the health and safety of staff and children on school property. We also set the targets for pupils' achievement at certain Key Stages and ensure delivery of the National Curriculum. The governing body is also responsible for major appointments such as the headteacher and deputy head.

The Governing Board has adopted this Code of Conduct.