Clubs at Woodingdean Primary School
Breakfast Club
Our Breakfast Club runs daily from 7.45am to the start of the school day. Sessions cost £3.00 per child per session. The Breakfast Club is held in Community Room 1 and run by our own staff. If you would like your child to attend please ask for a registration form at the school office. All sessions should be booked and paid in advance via Parentpay – If you have not yet activated your Parentpay account please contact the school office.
After School Club
VIM (Very Important Minors) is our new after school club provider and they will be here daily from 3.15pm to 5.30pm. For more information, prices or to book a session please go to their website
Enrichment Clubs Brochure
For more information on clubs available at Woodingdean Primary School please download the brochure:
Breakfast Club - Zero Debt Tolerance
Woodingdean Primary School operates a "zero tolerance" approach to debt for the payment of Breakfast Club and has a strict NO DEBT policy. If debts are incurred, then the school budget has to pay for them. This means that money which should be spent on the children's education is used to pay debts incurred by parents. Every parent will agree that this is unacceptable and request that all parents give this policy their full support.
The daily rate for breakfast club is £3.00, meaning that a week costs £15.00.
Any breakfast club account that stands at a debt of £15 or more will have the provision removed for that child.
Parent/s must pay in advance or on the day for the club using either of the methods of payment outlined below:
Online using ParentPay: this is our preferred method
Cash to the club or to the office
The school office maintains a register of attendance at the club as well as a record of payments. Each day, the office downloads payment reports from ParentPay and records any payments made that way as well as cash payments.
We hope that by implementing this debt policy, we are able to help parents manage Breakfast Club payments better and at the same time ensure that all school budget funding is used for children's learning.
Key Information:
All parents should be provided with a copy of the debt policy when their child joins the school.
Breakfast Club must be paid for in advance or on the day, unless previously agreed with the school.
Should an account for the account reach a level of 5 sessions unpaid, the parent will be contacted and told to find another childcare arrangement until the debt is cleared.
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