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Woodingdean Primary School


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At Woodingdean Primary School,
we are committed to nurturing and developing inspired,
curious, independent and well-rounded children
with the self-belief to fulfil their potential.


Online Safety

Please click on the download button  to download more information 






Please consider all the ways that your child may be accessing the internet


Do you, or your child, have:

- A tablet

- A smart phone

- A laptop or computer

- A smart TV?


With life being such a juggle at the moment, it is important to think about the risks of video and live streaming for our children. The NSPCC has produced some thought-provoking guidance on the risks of live streaming and video apps:


  • Children can feel pressured.
  • Children might communicate with people that they might not know online.
  • Videos might be recorded or shared without a child’s consent.
  • Children might receive negative or nasty comments.
  • Children might view inappropriate, or upsetting content.
  • Children might share their location and personal information.

 Please check all age restrictions!

Is the app appropriate for your child?

Online activities you can do with your child

4-5 years old

 5-7 years old

 8-10 years old


Here are some tips from the NSPCC for keeping your child safe:

  1. Keep talking to them about what they are doing online and how they can stay safe. Let them know that they can come to you if they are feeling worried or upset by anything they have seen online.
  2. Explore apps and sites together so that you can understand why they are using certain livestreaming or video apps. If they want to talk to friends, arrange to be present for the live stream so that you can gain a greater understanding of who they are talking to and the content.
  3. Agree what is appropriate together when using apps, sites or games.
  4. Check your settings so that the privacy and location settings are used properly to keep them safe.


If you are worried, concerned or do not know what to do about e-safety, please contact our Safeguarding lead, Mrs Hawkins or your class teacher. Our aim is to make sure that every child, and parent in every family knows all about e-safety and remains safe online.



Parental controls

As a parent/carer you can play a significant part in ensuring your child stays safe online.

If you do not wish for your child to be able to access any inappropriate content online, please ensure that their TVs, computers, laptops and other devices with internet access are all fitted with parental controls. Please remember to consider other relatives where your child may access the internet!

You can find free downloadable versions online or you can contact your internet service provider (such as BT, Talk Talk, Sky) for more information.
As a minimum, please set parental controls on your search engines, youtube account and the mobile phone your child uses.

One of the most popular search engines in the world is Google. You can visit Google’s informative safety centre for simple step by step guides - www.google.com/familysafety/tools