We have an open door policy and are happy to show any parents around the school. We hold open days in the late autumn for prospective reception parents; please check our calendar dates for more information.
If you are hoping to join our school during the year, please contact the school office to arrange a tour.
School Admissions Process
The school admissions team that work for Brighton and Hove City Council manage and control all school admissions and school places.
Any child with a statement of educational needs or Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) will be entitled to a place at school named therein.
The local authority school admissions team applies the following priorities when allocating all applications for spaces:
1. Children in the care of a local authority, and previously looked after children
2. Compelling medical or other exceptional reasons
3. Sibling link
4. Children transferring between a linked Infant and Junior School
5. Other children
If you require any further information regarding school admissions please contact the school admissions team:
School Admissions Team
Brighton and Hove City Council
Hove Town Hall
Telephone: 01273 293653
Social Media