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Woodingdean Primary School


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Be the best you Be the best you

At Woodingdean Primary School,
we are committed to nurturing and developing inspired,
curious, independent and well-rounded children
with the self-belief to fulfil their potential.

Welcome to the PTFA!

The PTFA at Woodingdean Primary School is a friendly group working to raise funds to make the school experience better for all. Every parent, carer and teacher  is automatically part of the PTFA. We also welcome friends of the school to be part of the organisation.

PTFA fundraising provides excellent additional equipment and resources for pupils, as well as making some school trips cheaper for parents by covering coach costs. We run a range of fundraising activities throughout the year and are always keen to hear new ideas.

Where do the funds go?

All money raised by PTFA fundraising activities goes directly back into making our school better for everyone. The PTFA pays for non-curriculum equipment, certain types of improvements to the school building, transport for some school trips and fun events.

Did you know the Forest School hut was bought with £6,000 of PTFA funds in 2021? Every child in our school gets the chance to use the Forest School area throughout the year..

PTFA funds have also recently paid for:

• Coach costs for two school trips
• Christmas decorations, such as the tree in the school hall and Christmas crackers for all on Christmas dinner day

The next major planned spending is to support the new school library.

How you can help the PTFA:

  • By sending your children to PTFA events and contributing towards PTFA activities.
  • Volunteering at events. Some helpers like to come along once a year or once a term while others are keen to volunteer at every event. We encourage people to be involved at a level suited to other commitments. Any time you can offer to help the PTFA is much appreciated and makes a difference. (Have a look at our events diary to see what is coming up soon)
  • Joining the committee to plan events, organise activities and help run the PTFA. The committee meets once a term on a weekday evening, dates are on our events diary.

Please note, anyone volunteering at events will be asked to complete a DBS check (this is a legal requirement). Forms are provided and fees are currently covered by the school.

Parents and carers with children in all years of the school are active volunteers with the PTFA. It's a great way to spend time with other parents. The committee organises all PTFA fundraising events, including the popular Halloween and Christmas parties and Junior Leavers' Prom. We also support the school by providing refreshments at annual highlights, such as sports days, Christmas concerts and new parents' welcome days.

How to contact the PTFA

If you would like to know more about PTFA activities, please email and we'll keep you informed about what's going on.

We also welcome your comments and queries:


If you prefer, leave a message for the PTFA at the school office and we will get back to you as soon as possible if you leave your contact details.

PTFA Leaders:

Charley Morgan  & Emma Tucknott