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Woodingdean Primary School


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Be the best you Be the best you

At Woodingdean Primary School,
we are committed to nurturing and developing inspired,
curious, independent and well-rounded children
with the self-belief to fulfil their potential.


We launched an exciting new project to make our play times even better in September, in conjunction with Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL). You can find more information on their website here: http://outdoorplayandlearning.org.uk/).

OPAL has won the best active schools’ programme in Europe award and been cited in two Parliamentary Reports as outstanding practice. OPAL is working closely with Sport England to promote more active childhoods. 

We strongly believe that: "Play is freely chosen, personally directed, intrinsically motivated behaviour that actively engages the child. Play can be fun or serious. Through play children explore social, material and imaginary worlds and their relationship with them, elaborating all the while a flexible range of responses to the challenges they encounter. By playing, children learn and develop as individuals, and as members of the community" (Play Council 2001).

 Woodingdean Primary Play Policy