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Woodingdean Primary School


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At Woodingdean Primary School,
we are committed to nurturing and developing inspired,
curious, independent and well-rounded children
with the self-belief to fulfil their potential.

Forest School

Our Forest School started in September 2021 and was officially opened by Councillor Dee Simson on 6 December. “It was great to be asked to cut the eco-friendly ribbon and officially open the new Forest School. This  new outside environment will give all children at the school the opportunity to learn about survival and woodland crafts. I was especially pleased to see the many different ways in which they will be able to experience new skills taught by a trained and experienced teacher of bushcraft."


At Woodingdean Primary school, we provide children with immersive and stimulating Forest School opportunities. We enable our children to embrace the ethos of Forest School, one based on respect for children and their capacity to initiate, investigate and maintain curiosity in the world around them. Forest school believes in a child’s right to play; the right to access the outdoors; the right to experience risk in a controlled way in the natural world along with the right to develop their emotional intelligence through social interaction, building a resilience to enable creative engagement with their peers and their potential.


Yes! Woodingdean has fabulous outdoor space and forest school helps make the most of that. The children love the practical experiences forest school provides and being outside is so beneficial for their wellbeing. We are are very happy with the addition of forest school!                                                           Parent survey autumn 2021



"I liked building the tents, seeing the fairies and eating biscuits with hot chocolate"       Reception



It helps children to realise that school isn't just about tests and assessments, that there is a whole lot more to life and learning than siting and writing.                                       Parent survey autumn 2021



"It was raining but it was fun! We learnt to be out in the real wild and how shelters keep us safe. I liked having to howl when we had to go back to the hut!"                       Year 1





  • INSPIRE by encouraging the natural curiosity present in our children, thus enabling our students to open their eyes and experience the wonders of the world around them!
  • EXPLORE using the Forest School environment to make connections with all aspects of their learning.  To ask and answer questions of both the built and natural world and to reach their own meaningful conclusions.
  • ENGAGE by providing immersive and stimulating Forest School learning opportunities. Be inspired and motivated by the wonder of our world.
  • DEEPEN by allowing the children to develop their own outside learning experiences, providing them with greater independence and physical competence. Ultimately allowing them to develop a greater understanding of the world in which we live and their responsibility for the future of our planet.



"It was brilliant being at Forest School and enjoying not worrying about being wet and muddy. I learnt how to tie different knots"    Year 5


Fantastic independent creative learning which helps to build confidence and self-esteem                        Parent survey autumn 2021

A brilliant idea, offers a new style of learning opportunity to the children and builds on existing skills that have been taught in the classroom                                                      Parent survey autumn 2021



Our children will have the opportunity to be active, take ownership of their learning and develop their self-esteem through a variety of independent tasks they take ownership of. Children will develop knowledge of sustainability and respect for their learning environment and the outdoors as a whole. Our children will develop their teamwork skills and increase their capability to work together to solve problems in a variety of ways, taking into account one another’s ideas. Positive relationships are built through these sessions and children are both enabled and empowered to achieve their holistic potential.



Keep checking in to see what we have been up to:


Forest School


Forest School Handbook