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Woodingdean Primary School


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Be the best you Be the best you

At Woodingdean Primary School,
we are committed to nurturing and developing inspired,
curious, independent and well-rounded children
with the self-belief to fulfil their potential.


Art & Design

“I dream my painting and then paint my dream”

Vincent Van Gogh 



Miss Rachel Bryant

Subject Leader 



At Woodingdean Primary School, we value art and design as a creative and enjoyable part of our broad and balanced school curriculum. We believe that it should be fully inclusive to every child, offering opportunities for challenge and self-expression. Our aim is to motivate the children to explore the work of different artists as well as their own artistic ideas. The children will be provided with many opportunities to experiment with a range of techniques including drawing, painting sculpting and printing. 


At Woodingdean Primary School, we aim to:

  • INSPIRE by exposing our children to a wide range of artistic work and styles, building in them an enthusiasm to create their own artwork.
  • EXPLORE by equipping our children with the knowledge, skills and resources to allow them to challenge themselves to design and produce their own works of art, craft and design
  • ENGAGE by teaching within the context of our vibrant, bold topics throughout the school, our children will be immersed in a progressive and stimulating art and design curriculum. This will be centered around the knowledge and skills embedded within the National Curriculum.
  • DEEPEN by introducing our children to a wealth of artistic ideas and genres, children will have lots of opportunities to express their creative side and imagination and develop their skills. 


Our young artists will reach the end of their journey at Woodingdean Primary School with a firmly-established love of art and design. They will have amassed an impressive collection of cross-curricular, creative artwork and an awareness and knowledge of a variety of artists and techniques. They will be confident in evaluating and improving their work and unafraid of trying out new and bold ideas. Our school displays will reflect these creative outcomes and also, the children’s sense of pride in their artwork across the school.