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Woodingdean Primary School


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Be the best you Be the best you

At Woodingdean Primary School,
we are committed to nurturing and developing inspired,
curious, independent and well-rounded children
with the self-belief to fulfil their potential.



Interventions used for SEND children AND/OR Children on the Pupil Premium Register.

At Woodingdean Primary School we aim to provide an education that is inclusive of all children that enables them to reach their full potential. We recognise that children have many different starting points; they succeed and they struggle and we aim to support them at every step of their learning journey.

Some children need additional help and support to access the curriculum on offer or to catch up with what is expected from them in each year group. These interventions and intervention programmes are specifically taught by trained professionals and fully evaluated for impact.

Below is a list and brief description of the sorts of interventions we offer:




Speech and Language


What does it do?

How long does it last?

Which year would this intervention be used in?

Who runs this intervention?








Based on the 4Ps Posture, Paper Position, Pen Grip, Pressure. Aim to improve children fine motor skills and handwriting.

Busy Hands 1 and 2 is also used for key children. 

15 minutes three times a week.

All year groups.

Teaching Assistant. Training given by Occupational Therapists.

Phonic Programme


Read Write Inc.

Twice a week 20 mins in small group

Using our whole school phonics scheme Read Write Inc. to support those children who find sounding out words or spelling words hard.

 Twice a week 20 mins in small group

All year groups

Trained Teaching Assistant under guidance of phonics coordinator.

Step Up and Fisher Family Trust

1:1 sessions covering reading and writing. The aim is to accelerate progress in both.

30 minutes

three times a week. Reading practice is expected at home to ensure maximum progress.

Year 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 

Teaching Assistant under the guidance of our highly trained Reading Recovery teacher.

Individual Literacy Support

Individual plan of literacy intervention in discussion with class teacher if the others are not suitable for that child’s need. Pre teaching is also offered.

 Three times a week as needed.

 All year groups.

Teaching Assistant and Class Teacher

First Class @ Number 1

Highly effective numeracy intervention which uses many concrete resources to secure children's understanding of number and calculation.

3 times a week

Half hour session in a group of 4 for approx. 12 weeks

Year 2

Teaching Assistant under the guidance of the Senco.

First Class @ Number 2

Highly effective numeracy intervention. A follow on from FirstClass1 which extends children's understanding of place value, multiplication and division.

3 times a week

Half hour session in a group of 4 for approx. 12 weeks

Year 3 and 4

Teaching Assistant under the guidance of the Senco.

Individual Maths Support

Individual plan of numeracy intervention in discussion with class teacher if the others are not suitable for that child’s need. Pre and post teaching in the form of Same Day Intervention  teaching is also offered.

3 times a week


All year groups

Teaching Assistant and Class Teachers.

Individual Speech Support

We follow speech plans from a speech and language therapist

As and when needed depending on need sometimes daily – sometimes once a week.

All year groups.

Specially designated and trained teaching assistant under the guidance and support of a Speech and Language Therapist (SALT)

Individual Language Support

We follow language plans from a Speech and Language Therapist

As and when needed depending on need: sometimes daily and sometimes once a week.

All year groups.

Specially designated and trained Teaching Assistant under the guidance and support of a Speech and Language Therapist (SALT)

Lego Therapy

A communication programme designed to enable children to develop their functional language. Effective with children who have Autism.

Once a week.

Mainly Reception, Years 1 and 2.

Trained Teaching Assistant under the guidance of a specialist Speech and Language teacher.


School Start  - sounds and language

Speech and Language Programme supporting the Early Years in hearing and saying sounds and developing their language.


Once a week for 30 weeks (sessions range from 15 – 30 mins)


Trained teaching Assistant under the guidance of a speech and a language Teacher.

Narrative Group

Specific language intervention which goes through the process of describing Who? Where? What happened? The end? – excellent for having a clear story structure .

Three times a week for 20 mins in a small group

Years 1 and 2.

Teaching Assistant under the guidance of a speech and a language teacher.

Social, Emotional and Mental Health groups.

Small group focussed on individual needs of children who need some extra nurture or support with anxiety, low self esteem and relationships.

Once a week 30 mins in small group

All year groups

Teaching Assistant under the guidance of the Senco.

Occupational or Physiotherapy support

We follow Occupational therapy plans  and  Physio plans from an Occupational Therapist or  Physiotherapist

As and when needed normally around seating, hand control or support with PE/swimming

All year groups

Teaching Assistant under the guidance and support of a Occupational Therapist /Physiotherapist

Playground Support

This can come in the form of support on the normal playground  or small group support away from normal playground

As and when required.

All year groups.

Teaching Assistant with input from Class Teachers and Senco.

Just Right












Social Skills











A programme initially designed for children on the Autistic spectrum but used for all children who struggle with emotional regulation.


For children who need support with social interaction. Talkabout resources are used. 


1:1 and small groups.











Small groups

All year groups.











All year groups

Trained Teaching Assistants under the guidance of the Senco.







Trained Teaching Assistant.

Children may struggle with the social and emotional aspects of being at school and as such may find it difficult to reach their full potential.

We ensure that we support these children and additionally offer:

  • A school counselling service
  • Referrals to the Wellbeing service
  • "The Bubble" a small sensory room children can access if feeling overwhelmed
  • The Green Room a nurture space run by our Inclusion Mentor
  • Key adult support
  • Play leaders & Playground buddies and structured playground games